Why Alpacas?
Selling alpaca breeding stock is our business. Click here to review the wide selection of animals that you can purchase.
Are you looking for relief from daily stress? A 'warm and fuzzy' that makes you feel better and brings new meaning to your life. Maybe you are looking for some easy care, non-threatening, loveable pets for your children, or grand children. Maybe you have a small acreage but something is missing to make it feel complete. Maybe you just need a reason to get up in the morning. Maybe you enjoy fibre crafts and need a realiable supply of natural, luxurious raw fibre. Maybe you are looking for an investment with tangible and intangible returns.
If you enjoy the company of animals and the enriching experience they can add to your life, then you may want to consider the environmental friendly alpaca. Domesticated for over 5000 years, the tame, calm alpaca can fulfill all these needs and more.
If you are a Breeder looking for studs and/or proven females, be sure to review the available selection to see if we have animals that meet your needs.
Maybe you have a top notch stud but you need more inexpensive females for breeding and subsequent sales. This need can also be accommodated.
It is difficult to resist the charm of these animals and the sense of calm, well being and peacefulness they can impart.
More info on Alpacas can be found here.